The Mullin Project is committed to encouraging visitors to use sustainable means of transport to and from the museum, as well as delivering wider local transport benefits
Peak weekend traffic movements for museum visitors per session. There are three sessions over the course of a day. The museum will operate six days a week
The traffic movement map shows the anticipated number of Museum visitor arrivals and departures to the site (per session) using the principle traffic routes. There will be three Museum sessions a day. These journeys could be lower when taking into account shuttle bus trips and car sharing.
The project team is aware that transport and traffic is a key local issue. The Community Forum is in ongoing discussions about how to ensure that traffic movements on the local road network are managed as efficiently as possible and the impact on the condition of the roads is not further degraded.
The Transport Assessment undertaken for the consented masterplan is still valid. In the context of the overall development, the traffic movements related to the 28 additional holiday homes will be minimal. There will also be a new public right of way across the south of the site, linking to existing public rights of way and giving residents more access to open spaces.
The Community Forum has discussed continuing its work after the development is complete, so the impact of the Museum can be assessed once it is open and operating alongside other visitor related businesses in the area.